Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Barn

So we have been talking about a barn for a while.  The rabbits have been living in the garage, and that just isn't right.

We finally found a design we liked and a builder to do the work.  He finished this week, and I have posted pictures below.

Now I have to put in the floor.  We are going to use a herculiner (like what you spray in the back of truck beds) to make a watertight sealant on the floor.  Then insulation on the walls/roof, and sheet plastic over to protect from bunnies.

Lastly we will move in the rabbit cages and equipment and then the garage will be free from pets!

Oh yeah...still have to run electric, lights, A/C and heater.  But all in good time :)

Our goal is to continue to raise rabbits and bring in the chickens next week.  I'm looking forward to fresh eggs, and a bug free garden.

Barn Almost Done!

Finished inside 10 x 12 with a loft

Finished barn.  Going to put roosting boxes on the side of the barn under the eves for the chickens.

Then going to wrap chicken wire around that side for the chickens to free range.

A view from the back.  That is the side of my office on the left, and the garage on the right.

This sits on the very back corner of our lot.